The group directsupport helps in Ventimiglia

Directsupport is in Ventimiglia since 05.09.! With the Infobus and Medibus we provide cell phone charging facilities, internet, coffee & tea and some snacks as well as medical care and hygiene products for people on the move.

Medical care, especially for open wounds, pain and sleeping disorders was requested very often. In addition, wi-fi and cell phone charging facilities were used a lot. We conducted interviews with people on the move, which we will publish here soon. We distributed many of the in-kind donations to local groups that support people on the move.

In Ventimiglia, there are two local support groups: Ventikappa and KeshaNiya, which we are able to relieve some of the pressure on through our presence and infrastructure. Ventikappa has opened a new info store “Upupa”, which has become a meeting point of support structures and people on the move. This is well visited by the people. Since a few days there are problems with the neighbors, so the store had to be closed. We have been provided with more charging stations by Ventikappa and are trying to meet the people’s need for charging.

We were also able to support the local political struggles:
On 06.09., a party location of the Lega Nord was opened. The right-wing populist party makes mood against people on the move and has received a large influx. Through a spontaneous demonstration, which was organized by people on the move and supporters, the image of the party “for the people” could be disturbed. The demonstration was observed by many passers-by and has repeatedly received support.
We also showed solidarity at a court hearing against activists who are threatened with imprisonment because of their work with and for people on the move.

The situation here is very precarious for many people and it needs international support from the political side. We can just make the everyday life of the people a little easier and relieve local groups. For this we are still dependent on donations, especially to buy medicine and hygiene products and to make repairs on the cars and the technical infrastructure.

Please donate to us:
Medinetz Halle / Saale e.V.
Iban: DE65 8005 3762 1894 0424 05
BIC : nolade21hal / Saalesparkasse
Purpose: konvoi

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