The border point is placed between Ventimiglia and the french border at the road leading to the french cities Menton and Nizza. It‘s a place to sit and provides a good view, right at the side of the road.
This location has been the major rally point for persons on the move until summer. The self-organized group Kesha Niya is providing food, informations about Ventimiglia and company in multiple shifts a day. People who are exhausted from walking or devastated from the countless repressiosn and push backs of Italian and French police and military find a place to rest and gather new strength.
Even public and non-government organizations like Caritas or Save The Children used the spot to make contact with the people on the move.
For some years this place has more or less been tolerated by the italian police. This summer however this long grown place has been evicted and closed off.
People who pass now can only see fences and some remains of the former border point. Behind the fences just a dusty, empty space, another symbol for the european border regime.
But in spite of this repression people find new ways and spaces for solidarity and support.