Call for donations!

Dear friends and supporters!

since beginning of october direct support is back in Ventimiglia. The situation has become worse for the people on the move sind april. Since the squat (casa rossa) has been evicted, most of them sleep unter a bridge near Via Tenda ot at the trains station. The way to France is getting blocked by the illegal french push backs. Basic needs like food, clothes, blankets, showers, communiation an medical care is much needed. We can provide food, tea, coffee, WiFi, charging, hygiene products and basic medical support with our infrastructure.

This would not be possible without your support and donations. We want to thank you a lot! However, we are still dependent on your solidarity. We need need financial support to stay flexible as the mobile group that we are. So we can react fast to new situations and can also act at other places.

Therefore we’d like to ask you again for yout support in monetary and materials form. Please share this call.

For a world without borders!

No borders – No nation!

Solidarity Now!

Medinetz Halle/Saale e.V.
IBAN : DE65 8005 3762 1894 0424 05
BIC : nolade21hal
Verwendungszweck : directsupport

blog :

About the current situation you can hear in our interview at radio Corax from Halle.

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