Direct Support Trip / April 2021 / Ventimiglia

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the situation it is causing, we have decided to travel to Ventimiglia on April 9, 2021 to the Italian / French border. There we want to support people who suffer from violence on the run, which is practiced at inner-European borders as well as on all escape routes. For this we want to offer food, medical first aid and a place to breathe.
For this purpose we will relieve the local structures with a medibus, a mobile kitchen and an infobus that provides free WLan and information material.

After our arrival in Ventimiglia we will publish the first report about the situation of refugees in this border region.

Our plan to travel the Balkan route is now planned for late summer/fall 2021.

The date for the direct support trip is planed on spring 21

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